Because Counseling Matters Fund
Make a one-time or recurring gift

The Because Counseling Matters Fund is the core of philanthropy at NFCC and we hope you will choose to make a gift this year. Your gift enables us to continue to provide affordable and high-quality counseling services and grow our outreach program to serve even more people in our beloved city.
Thank you to our 2024 supporters
Melinda and Joe Abell
Jane Ainsworth
Jon Albrecht
Courtney Alexander
Nancy Allen / The Green Tree Fund
Ann Watson and James Allison
Mark Allison
Dudley Anderson
Keiji Asakura
Sophie Asakura
David and Sylvia Atlas
Scott J. Atlas
McKenzie and Patrick Atwood
Aventurine Partners
Kristin Balden
Elise Banks-Lovely
Susan Barthelme
Kristin and Corbin Blackford
Gena and Ken Blanchard
Claire and Jack Blanton
Katy and John Boettcher
Ellen and James Bookout
Richard Bosco
Jennifer Bowen
Bowen, Miclette & Britt Insurance Agency, LLC
Barbara and Walt Bozeman
Jill and Randy Brlansky
Katherine and Jimmy Brooks
Jack Browder
Kelley Brown
Maggie Bryan
Jackie and Bruce Bui
Hannah Bunis
Mary Katharine and Hal Burke
Wendy Burmaster
Dee Butts
Ramsay Camp
Monet and Alex Cernoch
Peggy Christman
Cibolo Oil & Gas
Citizens of Montrose
Kimberly and William Cochran
Liz and Andre Cokinos
Vivian and Chip Colvill
Lynette and Mark Cone
Molly Connor
James Culbert
Allyson Cunius
Natalie Dang
Katie Danysh
Marian Davenport
Carolyn and Platt Davis
Ellen and Dean Delery
Anna and Matt DeLuca
Deborah and Bryan Domning
Kritika Dube
Krista and Mike Dumas
Jenny Elkins
Gwen and Ken Ennis
Margeaux Epner
Greg and Suzanne Ernster
Jan and Joel Ernster
Jessica Ernster
Meredith-Leigh Pleasants and Ace Factor
Tiffany and Kevin Feng
Carl Ferguson
Kathy O’Neil and Philip Ferguson
Susan and Bill Finnegan
Stella and Mike Fitzgibbons
Theresa and Ray Frierson
Jana and David Gaddy
Cara Garlow
Killian Gilbert-Smith
Suzanne and Danny Grant
Kristina and Tom Graves
Lynn and John Graves
Amber and Cary Gray
Kari and Todd Greenwalt
Jen and Paul Gregory
Groundswell Charitable Foundation
Tara Hafertepe Kennedy
Andrew Halphen
Julia and Dalton Harris
Valerie Harris
Georga Harrison
Abby and Andrew Hartman
Madeleine Haynes
Kay and David Hedges
Allison and Chuck Helms
Becky Helms
Robert Hemphill
April Henderson
Mary and Jim Henderson
Keri Henry
Julie and Paul Herman
Lee and Lisa Herman
Madeleine and Joe Herman
Brenda Hicks
Gayle and Richard Hightower
Courtney Hoffman
Houston Sports Connection
Phyllis and Bill Huggins
D’Hania Hunt
Hunter Family Charitable Foundation
Kim Jacobson and Dennis Hutchison
J Squared Family Foundation
Jack and Annis Bowen Foundation
Robin Johnson
Amy Jolly
Kristin Leigh Jones
Varun Juloori
Sydney and John Kerns
Saira Khan
Johnny King
Marcy Kirk
Julie Kleine
Devin Kohlhausen
Kathy and William Kottwitz
Carol Lance
Eleanor Langston
Patricia Lausen
Jensen Le
Tracy and Paul Lehman
Elise and Ernst Leiss
Emily and Justin Leitch
Leon Payne, Jr. Foundation
Clay Lindberg
Patrick Lindley
Shelli and Steve Lindley
Kevin Lorenzen
Robbie and Jim Lowrey
Carly and Anthony Lukefahr
Kay and Brett Lum
Mike Lush
Sarah Malloy
- Kelly Mathews
Sharon and Gregory Mathews
McCartney Properties, Inc.
Marina McClure
Onalee McEwen
Susie and Skip McGee
Robert McNiel
Katie and Whitney Mears
Jill and Gordon Meltzer
Cassie Miao
Catherine and Bill Miller
Miller-Shedd Family Charitable Fund
Lauren and Jordan Mintz
Nicholas Mintz
Randy Mitchell
Monica Morad
Katy Murray
Jonathan Myers
Sarah Naseman
Karen and Erik Nguyen
Luke, Nolan, and Alice Niebur
Angie R Nobles
Claire Nobles
Carlos Obando
Kevin O’Kelley
John O’Neill
Dina and Jim Ormiston
Vivie and Chris O’Sullivan
Andrea Parker
Veronica Parker
Roberta Parrick
Carroll and Jeff Patrizi
Julie Payne
Angela Peralta
Meredith Brown Perkins
Shephali Perkins
Sarahbeth and Taylor Pipkin
Elizabeth Plummer
Stephen Popp
Susan Quarles
Christopher Reed
Reid Family Foundation
McKenzie and Michael Reitz
Kathryn and Claud Riddles
Katharine and Richard Rider
Angie Riley
Sherry Ritcheson
Carla and Kevin Roberts
Haley Roff
Julie and Tim Samson
Katie and Pete Sanborn
Katie and Dave Scallan
Paige Schmidt
Barbara Schneidler
Marilyn Schorfheide
Morgan Seale
Liz Selig
Cathryn Selman
Kimm Shafer
Cecilia Shaw
Carrie Shoemake
Jackie and Stephen Sibley
Maria Silva
SilverBow Resources
Laurel Simmons
Donye Smith
John Socha
Stephen and Susan Solcher
Amie and Jeff Springmeyer
Bryan Stahl
Amanda Staller
Robyn and John Stevenson
Stevenson & Murray
Robin Streit
Melinda and Sam Stubbs
Carol Sugimoto
Catherine Hellman Sweeney
Julia Tenhoeve
Cindy and Howard Tenney
The Catherine Terrell McCartney Foundation
The Eddy Knight Family Foundation and the Paul Sobiesk Family
The Sydnor and Olga Oden Foundation
Martin Thompson
James Timmins
Tim Timmis
Ashlee Veit
Lettie Vellano
Michele and Dheeraj Verma
Kern Vijayvargiya
Diane Vines
Garhett Wagers
Amy and Houston Walker
William Wallace
Jennifer and Michael Welch
Taylor Welch
Matt Werner
Sarah Wilson
Bobbie Wisecup
Julia Wolf
Casey and Austin Woo
Lauren Woo
Lin Woo
Nancy and Don Woo
Woo Family
Jill and Donald Wood
Laurie Wood
Sherri and Pat Wood
Willie Wood
Aimee and Andrew Wright
Karen and Alan Ytterberg
Christian Yu
Greta and Chuck Zimmerman
Nancy and Robert Zimmerman